Effects of Chewing Gum on Your Teeth

Effects of Chewing Gum on Your Teeth

Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Teeth?

The answer is yes, if it is the right kind. Chewing gum can help prevent tooth decay, as long as you choose a sugarless gum. Chewing gum causes your mouth to produce more saliva, which helps neutralize and rinse away some of the acid that forms in your mouth when you break down food. So, if you chew gum after a meal, you may be helping to protect your teeth and promote oral health.

Also, the minerals generated by the extra saliva can even help strengthen your tooth enamel, which also reduces your risk of a dental cavity.

Is Sugar Free Gum Bad for Your Teeth?

Parents can share this oral care hint with children and teens, who often chew gum. Just be sure that they choose sugarless gum, not a sugary bubble gum, which can have the opposite effect and contribute to the buildup of plaque on teeth. So, if you are uncertain about which gum is best for promoting oral health, look for a sugarless gum for yourself or your family members.

But remember (and remind children) that gum-chewing, even sugarless gum, is not a substitute for a regular oral care routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily proper flossing with quality dental care products