Dry Mouth at Night: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention - overview

Have you been waking up with a dry mouth at night? As you reach for a glass of water, you may be wondering where this uncomfortable and irritating sensation comes from....

Have you been waking up with a dry mouth at night? As you reach for a glass of water, you may be wondering where this uncomfortable and irritating sensation comes from. It may just affect you occasionally, but if it happens consistently, it can become a dental issue.

A lack of saliva should always be monitored as saliva is essential to our oral health and a dry mouth can also affect you during the day. A dry mouth can also lead to increased levels of plaque, bad breath , and difficulty with chewing or swallowing if it persists.

What Causes a Dry Mouth at Night?

The first thing to know is that our body naturally produces less saliva in the evening, as we’re not digesting much food, so the mouth is likely to be drier at night. You may also experience dry mouth if you sleep with your mouth open.

If you have any kind of nasal blockage, this can also force you to breathe through your mouth, making a dry throat at night more likely. Congestion in the nose can be caused by illness or allergies, and your GP will be able to advise on appropriate treatments for chronic or seasonal conditions.

Due to the increased levels of glucose in their blood and saliva, people with diabetes are more susceptible to dry mouth, which also puts them at risk of oral thrush infections on the cheeks and tongue.

Some of the other common causes of dry mouth at night are:

  • Dehydration

  • Medication including blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, antihistamines, and anti-anxiety drugs

  • Chemotherapy and other radiation-based treatments

  • Smoking

How to Prevent Dry Mouth While You’re Sleeping

You’ll be glad to know there are several steps you can take to prevent dry mouth while you’re sleeping.

1. Drink water

Drinking 2-3 litres of water a day will keep your body hydrated and improve your overall health. As dehydration is one of the main causes of a dry mouth, keep a glass of water next to your bed to drink if you wake up feeling thirsty. Avoid caffeine, as while it may not necessarily cause dehydration it is a mild diuretic!

2. Brush with fluoride toothpaste

If you have dry mouth, maintaining good oral hygiene is important. Look for a toothpaste that not only protects against cavities, also contains stannous fluoride, which is an antibacterial agent. Antibacterial toothpaste helps neutralize bacteria acids, protects your teeth and gums as well as works against bad breath.

3. Use mouthwashes

Mouthwash is another effective way to kill bacteria in your mouth, moisturize the oral cavity and prevent the symptoms of dry mouth at night if you use it before bed. There are several types of alcohol-free mouthwash, which is important as alcohol can often exacerbate symptoms of dry mouth.

4. Avoid Spicy Foods

Excessively spicy or salty food can cause discomfort for someone experiencing a dry mouth. Spicy food contains capsaicin, which triggers pain and causes a burning sensation in our mouth. If you want to prevent dry mouth while you’re sleeping, avoid eating food that contains chili peppers, as well as raw garlic, ginger, and onions.

5. Use a humidifier in your room

Dry air can also affect your breathing, so using a humidifier in your room will help to prevent a dry mouth. Antihistamines and decongestants may also lead to the feeling of a dry mouth when sleeping, so you may wish to try avoiding them for a period.

When to See a Doctor about Dry Mouth

If you wear dentures, you may be particularly feeling the discomfort of a dry mouth at night. Oral dryness can lead to dentures rubbing against your gums. If you experience this visit a dental or healthcare professional and they can recommend changes in medication or other solutions.

Dry mouth also happens to be one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea. The condition known as obstructive sleep apnea can be dangerous as it causes your breathing to stop and start during sleep. If you notice other symptoms such as loud snoring and extreme tiredness and headaches during the day, you should visit a medical professional.



