Are Dental Implants Painful?

How Painful are Dental Implants? 

As with any surgical procedure, some mild discomfort is to be expected. However, those who’ve undergone a dental implant procedure claim to have experienced little to no discomfort or pain as a result of or during the procedure.

Is Dental Implants Surgery Painful?

Often times the application of a dental implant involves tooth extraction and incisions into the gum line. Local anesthesia is administered during this time, so patients report feeling very little discomfort during the process. However, some patients have stated that the actual process of extracting the tooth was more painful than the remaining stages of the procedure.

Pain after Dental Implant Surgery 

Your gums and the area of your mouth where the implant was placed may feel sore for some time after the surgery. Your dentist may recommend treating any residual pain with an over-the-counter pain medication. If the pain worsens or you notice any symptoms of infection or nerve damage, see your dentist right away. Though rare, these can lead to complications:

  • Infection

  • Tooth damage

  • Nerve damage

  • Implant rejection

  • Sinus problems

  • Allergies to materials used

Often minor in nature, these problems can easily be treated with a visit to your dentist.

Caring for Implants after Surgery 

If you’re unsure of how to care for your dental implants, the usual rule of thumb is to treat them as you would your natural teeth. Brush twice a day, floss at least once, and keep up with your regular yearly dental appointments.  

To ensure your gums remain healthy and your teeth strong, switch to an electric toothbrush for a more precise clean. Additionally, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash designed to care for your gums can help keep infection and harmful bacteria away.