What Causes Metallic Taste in Mouth and How to Get rid of it?

Got a metallic taste in your mouth? Unless you’ve recently licked a coin, this discovery might have been a strange one. Nevertheless, the condition is more common than you’d think, and there are...

Got a metallic taste in your mouth? Unless you’ve recently licked a coin, this discovery might have been a strange one. Nevertheless, the condition is more common than you’d think, and there are many possible causes for an unpleasant metal taste in the mouth.  

Parageusia (also known as dysgeusia) is the medical name for a distortion in your sense of taste or smell. It can make your mouth taste metallic, bitter, salty, or rancid – and may happen suddenly, or gradually over a long period of time. 

What Causes Metallic Taste in Mouth

Parageusia and the accompanying metallic taste in the mouth can be caused by a range of factors from poor oral hygiene to medication side effects or pregnancy.  

We’ll explore the potential causes for a mouth that tastes like metal, as well as prevention and treatment options.  

1. Metallic Taste in Mouth during Pregnancy

You may experience a metallic taste in the mouth during early pregnancy, which is likely caused by the new hormonal balance. As well as a metal taste in the mouth, it may cause some foods you usually love to taste very unpleasant, or other foods you dislike to suddenly taste delicious!  

This metal taste in the mouth during pregnancy is fairly common and is only temporary. It usually goes away after giving birth. You can help to minimize the effects of a metallic taste in the mouth when pregnant by sucking on mints or ice pops and avoiding metal cutlery for a while.  

2. Metallic Taste in Mouth Due to Medications

Different medications can cause a whole range of side effects and could be the reason behind a persistent metallic taste. Usually, these changes in taste go away when you finish taking the medication – however, if you are on a permanent treatment plan, you could speak to your doctor about alternative medication options.  

So, if you’re wondering what can cause a metallic taste in your mouth, you might find it’s due to taking certain medications:

  • Antibiotics, gout or diabetes medication

    A range of antibiotics, diabetes medications and gout medicines like allopurinol can cause a metallic taste in mouth. This is because the medicine is partially absorbed in the mouth via the saliva, causing the metallic aftertaste.

  • Vitamins

    If you’re taking any type of vitamin supplements containing zinc, copper, iron, or chromium, this may bring on a metallic taste in the mouth. Speak to your doctor about the correct dosage you should be taking.

  • Antidepressants & other lithium medicines

    One side effect of lithium-containing anti-depressants is that they can close-up your taste buds. This can cause a dry mouth, or a metallic taste in the mouth.

  • Chemotherapy

    A lingering metal taste in the mouth can be caused by cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This usually subsides when you finish your treatment plan.

3. Other Causes of a Metallic Taste

  • Vitamin deficiency

    A vitamin deficiency is one of the potential reasons for a metallic taste in the mouth. A severe lack of vitamin B-12 or B-9 deficiency can begin to affect the nerves, changing how you perceive taste and bringing on a strange taste of metal.

  • Poor oral hygiene

    We all forget to brush our teeth occasionally, but a severe lack of oral hygiene care can result in tooth infections and gum disease. If left untreated, this can develop into a more serious condition known as ‘trench mouth’, causing a metallic taste in the mouth, fatigue, and bleeding gums.

  • Central nervous system (CNS) disorders

    An injury to the head, a stroke, or Bell’s palsy can all affect the central nervous system and could result in a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, and fatigue.

  • Food allergies and smoking

    Smoking cigarettes can disturb the taste process, resulting in a metallic taste in the mouth. Allergies to certain foods might trigger the body’s natural defences, releasing antibodies into the bloodstream that can cause a taste of metal.

  • Chemical exposure

    Inhaling high levels of mercury or lead containing chemicals can result in a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, skin irritation, and nerve or respiratory issues.  

How to Prevent or Get rid of Metallic taste in Mouth?

Your metallic taste in mouth treatment will depend on the root cause, so it’s wise to speak to your doctor about an effective strategy. This might include lowering or changing your medication dosage.

You can help to get rid of a metallic taste in the mouth by chewing mints, avoiding metal cutlery, not smoking cigarettes, or experimenting with different foods to help mask the metallic taste after eating.

Maintaining a strict oral hygiene routine can also help you to get rid of the metallic taste and prevent developing ailments that cause it. This might include brushing your teeth with a sensitive toothpaste, flossing regularly to remove food debris, and using a gentle mouthwash to freshen the breath and kill plaque. Explore the Oral-B range today and find an oral hygiene routine that suits your needs.


  • Why do I have a metallic taste in my mouth?

    There are many potential causes for a metallic taste in the mouth, including poor oral hygiene, pregnancy hormones, medication side effects, or vitamin deficiency.

  • Is a metallic taste a sign of ketosis?

    Ketosis, or ‘keto breath’ can be distinguished by a metallic taste, which usually goes away after a few days.

  • How to get rid of metallic taste in mouth?

    Avoiding metal cutlery, smoking cigarettes, and experimenting with different foods such as spices or herbs, can all help you to get rid of a metallic taste in the mouth.



